A Voz do Operário
July 24, 2020
Featured in Workers Game Jam 2020 (#12)
Workers Game Jam 2020

A Voz do Operário
July 24, 2020
Workers Game Jam 2020
Workers Game Jam 2020
The 70’s in Brazil marks the emergence of new unionism, from the effervescence of the struggle of the workers of ABC Paulista, the main industrial pole of the country.
The game A Voz do Operário presents a narrative of the struggle of ABC workers in the midst of economic crisis, repression, and censorship by the Military Dictatorship, showing some of the tactics adopted by the working class, and how its tactics made it possible to consolidate this class as a political subject that antagonized with the ruling class in the Brazilian political scene.
You can play the game here
Featured in Workers Game Jam 2020 (#12)
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